This painting depicts a group of abstracted palm trees, while circular objects in the sky evoke the passage of the moon and sun. There is a unity of color throughout the composition as well as a symmetrical motif repeated in the trees' branches.
Framed: 17.5 x 22.5 x 1.0 in.

About the artwork:

This painting depicts a group of abstracted palm trees, while circular objects in the sky evoke the passage of the moon and sun. There is a unity of color throughout the composition as well as a symmetrical motif repeated in the trees' branches.

Matt Haywood's art-making process is an impulse-driven exploration of the links between formal content and imagery. The artist works without reference photos or images, creating entirely from his memory and imagination. Haywood's expressionistic work combines abstraction with representation, combining the artist's background as an observational painter and his respect for the rich history of painting. Working without a pre-determined subject, the artist’s work explores a highly psychological space through the use of common motifs. At the same time, Haywood's regard for art history compels him to create works that allow for viewer interpretation—while simultaneously employing formal properties that cohere into chromatic and spacial unity. 

About the artist:

Drawing from both his memories and imagination, Matt Haywood creates paintings that are both psychological and optical explorations. The artist blends his background as an observational painter and his respect for the rich history of painting in works that combine expressionistic abstraction and familiar representation. For each of his compositions, Haywood allows the content to present itself through the painting process—rather than working to represent any predetermined subject.


Matt Haywood was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1985. The artist received a BFA from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois, and has additionally studied at the International School of Painting Drawing and Sculpture in Umbria, Italy.

Exhibitions of Haywood’s work include: Matt Haywood : Palm Arcade at My Pet Ram in Santa Barbara, California (2022); Search Party at My Pet Ram in New York City (2022); Dance Pole Picket Line at Last Projects in Los Angeles, California (2022); The Street and the Shop, presented by Neue House in Los Angeles, California (2022); Bad Guy Art at Gallery ALSO in Los Angeles, California (2021); Emergent Matter at Garash Galeria in Mexico City, Mexico (2019); Doll House vs. Punk House at Serious Topics in Los Angeles, California (2019); Dice Theory at Uqbar Gallery in Berlin, Germany (2019); Matt Haywood : Rose Theater at O’ Project Space in Los Angeles, California (2018); Dragent at Durden and Ray in Los Angeles, California (2018).

Haywood was a founding member of Los Angeles based project space Gallery ALSO, where the artist curated multiple group and solo shows—as well as showing his own work. 

Haywood has been interviewed and featured in print by Art Maze Magazine.

Haywood lives and works in Los Angeles, California.


22 inches
17 inches
with frame
22.5 inches
17.5 inches
1 inches
17.5 inches
Matt Haywood:
Palm Arcade with Blue Sun, 2022
Latex, acrylic, oil on canvas in walnut artist frame
17.0 × 22.0 inches /